Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I started a cap sleeve Baptismal gown top before my little man was born. After three girls I was sort of geared towards making frilly type gowns. After the baby was born, I decided the cap sleeves were just too girly for him. And I started making another top with straight short sleeves. No frills.

So now I have two gowns. Initially, I thought of selling the extra gown. But now I'm thinking of saving it to give to my middle daughter. She wore the family heirloom gown when she was baptized, and so doesn't have a gown of her own to use for her children. Since there are quite a few cousins who are/ have used that gown, it's doubtful she'll inherit it.

My oldest son also wore the family gown...I'll let any future daughter-in-law figure that out. Women like to get to pick out their baby clothes and gear...usually.